Sunday, March 28, 2021


 What is a city?

  1. Choose a location you would like to visit (brainstorm your ideas). It can be a city or a country.

  2. Start your travel brochure with a welcoming message that makes people want to visit.

  3. Describe as many things about the country or a city you’ve chosen as you can. Talk about the wildlife, cities, customs, traditions, and food.

  4. For more information, you can use the following Internet resource

  1. Outline your ideas by filling in the chart:

Welcoming message________________________

First point_________________________________

Second point_______________________________

Third point_________________________________


  1. Find and download some pictures to illustrate your travel brochure.

  2. Then Open the link Mystorybook and start making your project. 

  3. Then download your links to your projects in the comments ti this post.

  4. After that, you can evaluate your friends’ projects using the criteria below: max. 3 points

The travel brochure is well designed and attractive -1 point

The travel brochure is clear and well-structured - 1 point

There are 3 activities and more (or places, sights) that can be visited.- 1 point.



 Do you like to travel?

  1. In pairs create a story about a continent that you would like to visit and why ( at least 10 sentences). Tell about real and interesting facts.

  2. Upload photos and illustrations related to this topic.

  3. Use Padlet or Jamboard for your work.

  4.  As you finish you should add the URL of your story in the comments to this post and rate your classmates according to the criteria below: max. 15 points.

Design - 0-5 points

Interesting facts - 0-5 points

Clear  description - 0- 5 points


 Where do you live?

  1. Draw your own map.

  2. Think about the places in your neighborhood.

  3. Draw the places on the map.

  4. Write labels and your address.

  5.  Draw nearby roads. 

  6. Point what is located nearby and how you can get to these places.

  7. Set the bus stations. 

  8. You can use Google maps to help you create your map.

  9.  Write a description of the route to the school, at least 7 sentences. 

  10. Take a picture of your map on your phone and upload it to Jamboard.

  11. Share your work in the comments to this post and rate your classmates according to the criteria below: max. 15 points

Design - 0-5 points

Clear route - 0-5 points

Clear  description - 0- 5 points


 What do you know about other nationalities?

1. Choose the nationality of any country.

2. Create a wall on Padlet.

3. Describe in detail (at least 10 -12 sentences) this nationality (country, population, language, food, appearance, traditions, features). 

4. Answer the questions: Why did you choose this nationality? What were you attracted you? Would you like to be related to this nationality?  Why?

5. Upload photos and illustrations related to this nationality.

6. As you finish you should add the URL of your project in the comments to this post and rate your classmates according to the criteria below: max. 15 points.

Design - 0- 5  points 

Interesting facts - 0- 5  points

Clear  description - 0- 5  points

Good luck!

Saturday, March 27, 2021


 What do you know about dangerous sea animals?

  1. Choose anу dangerous sea animal and write five (and more)  of the most interesting and dangerous facts about the animal.

  2. Put photos or drawings of your animal.

  3. You should use Jamboard or Google docs for your work.

  4.  As you finish you should add the URL of your story in the comments to this post and rate your classmates according to the criteria below: max. 15 points.

Design - 0- 5  points 

Interesting facts - 0- 5  points

Clear  description - 0- 5  points

Have you got a pet?

Hi, my friends!

Have you got a pet? If so, tell us all about it. If not, would you like to have a pet? Which animals do you think make the best pets?

  1. Think about your pet (or another animal). And try to answer the following questions : 

- What kind of animals does your pet belong to? 

- What is your pet's name ( or what name would you like to give your pet?) 

-What can your pet do? 

- How can you be friends with your pet or play with it?

- How should you take care of your pet? 

-What does he like to eat? 

-Tell us a funny case from the life of your pet ( or come up with what situations can happen to pets). 

- Is your pet your best friend?

3. Find and download some photos to illustrate your story.

4. Then Open the link Mystorybook and start making your brochure about your pet.

5. Add links to your stories in the comments to this post.

6.And don't forget to evaluate your friends’ projects using the criteria below: max. 3 points

The  brochure is well designed and attractive -1 point
The  brochure is clear and well-structured - 1 point
The story is interesting to read- 1 point.

Good luck!

Sunday, March 14, 2021


 Hi, my friends!

Today we are going to explore the Solar system.

Join the link and step by step explore interesting facts about planets and do the tasks.

  • At first, you should open the link and proceed with the registration if you don't have an active TedEd account yet
  • Then watch the video at least 2 times.
  • Answer the questions. 7 multiple-choice questions and 2 open-ended questions. For the multiple-choice questions, you will see the result immediately. You can correct your answer by watching the video hint.
  • Participate in the discussion. Leave your own comment. You may also leave a comment on your classmates' answers.
  • Then get into groups of 3 and make a group project. As you finish you should add the URL of your poster to our blog and be prepared to grade your classmates' works.

Monday, March 8, 2021



Hello, dear friends!

Do you remember which explorers we met during the course? Today I invite you to remember again the famous explorers.

People become explorers for many reasons. Some like an adventure. Some are scientists. Some are looking for riches. Some want to make new discoveries. Some are missionaries. Whatever their reason, explorers have some important things in common - they face the unknown, they suffer hardships, and some never make it back to tell their tales.

 In this project in pairs, you will choose one explorer and make a story about his life using images, writing text, and recording audio.  You have 7 days for that. Let's start.


1.           Get in pairs for work and write your names here 

2.           Choose an explorer that we met during the course and that interested you. It could be an explorer on land, sea, or space (Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo, Vasco da Gama, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook, Henry Hudson, Jacques Cousteau, Zheng He, Neil Armstrong, or others).

3.           Create Google docs to collaborate on and script your digital story.

4.           You may use internet resources  such as, ,

5.           Your digital story should contain:

a)           Introduction (say some words about why exploration is  so important)

b)           Biographical overview:

- Explorer’s Full Namе;

- Date of Birth;

- Country of Birth;

c)            Main Events of Exploration (describe the purpose and main events of your explorer’s main journey. Tell why he went on this main exploration. Also, describe where his trip started, where he traveled, and what he found or saw).

d)           Transportation and Crew (describe your explorer’s crew).

e)           Contribution to history (describe what changed after the explorer’s discoveries)

f)            Conclusion (say some words about why this explorer attracts you).

6.           Then select the appropriate photos and illustrations for each item on the internet.

7.           Then open the link and start making your project. Your story should be no longer than 2 or 3 minutes.

8.           As you finish you should add the URL of your digital story to our blog.

9.           Be prepared to listen and grade your classmates' digital stories according to the criteria below.


A digital story is well-designed. There are a lot of photos and illustrations in the video

0-5 points

A digital story contains all paragraphs.  (Introduction, biographical overview, main events, transportation and crew, contribution to history, conclusion)

0-5 points

Audio is easy to understand. The pronunciation is clear

0-5 points

The information is written correctly. There are no grammatical mistakes.

-0,5 баллов -1 grammar mistake.

0-5 points


20 points



Monday, March 1, 2021


Task 1. Watch the video and answer the questions that follow: 1. Which biomes do you live near? 2. Which biome would you like to live in? Why? Give your answers in the comments. Then get into groups of 3 or 4 and create a play about a family that moves to a new biome. In your group, discuss the biomes you have learned about.You also can research more information about biomes at the internet. Imagine, that your group is a family that will move to a new biome. Decide which biome you will move to, who will play each part, what each person will say. Write down your play and download at the link  At the Jamboard you will also find an example. Then evaluate your groupmates' works using the criteria below: max- 3 points. A play is fun - 1 point. A play is interesting - 1 point. A play is based on real facts - 1 point.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Collecting things!

Dear friends!
Who is interested in collecting things? I suggest you do the following project. Everyone needs to choose what they will collect, it can be postcards, stamps, calendars, souvenirs, toys, and so on. At the end of our course, you will share your collections with your classmates. Write in the chat, what do you want to collect?  And why?

Tell about youself!

Tell us about yourself in a few words. How do you spend your free time? Write about your interests and activities. Listen to this song. Does this song mention your hobbies? Give your answers in the comments.


 What is a city? Choose a location you would like to visit (brainstorm your ideas). It can be a city or a country. Start your travel brochur...