Saturday, March 27, 2021

Have you got a pet?

Hi, my friends!

Have you got a pet? If so, tell us all about it. If not, would you like to have a pet? Which animals do you think make the best pets?

  1. Think about your pet (or another animal). And try to answer the following questions : 

- What kind of animals does your pet belong to? 

- What is your pet's name ( or what name would you like to give your pet?) 

-What can your pet do? 

- How can you be friends with your pet or play with it?

- How should you take care of your pet? 

-What does he like to eat? 

-Tell us a funny case from the life of your pet ( or come up with what situations can happen to pets). 

- Is your pet your best friend?

3. Find and download some photos to illustrate your story.

4. Then Open the link Mystorybook and start making your brochure about your pet.

5. Add links to your stories in the comments to this post.

6.And don't forget to evaluate your friends’ projects using the criteria below: max. 3 points

The  brochure is well designed and attractive -1 point
The  brochure is clear and well-structured - 1 point
The story is interesting to read- 1 point.

Good luck!

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