Monday, March 8, 2021



Hello, dear friends!

Do you remember which explorers we met during the course? Today I invite you to remember again the famous explorers.

People become explorers for many reasons. Some like an adventure. Some are scientists. Some are looking for riches. Some want to make new discoveries. Some are missionaries. Whatever their reason, explorers have some important things in common - they face the unknown, they suffer hardships, and some never make it back to tell their tales.

 In this project in pairs, you will choose one explorer and make a story about his life using images, writing text, and recording audio.  You have 7 days for that. Let's start.


1.           Get in pairs for work and write your names here 

2.           Choose an explorer that we met during the course and that interested you. It could be an explorer on land, sea, or space (Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo, Vasco da Gama, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook, Henry Hudson, Jacques Cousteau, Zheng He, Neil Armstrong, or others).

3.           Create Google docs to collaborate on and script your digital story.

4.           You may use internet resources  such as, ,

5.           Your digital story should contain:

a)           Introduction (say some words about why exploration is  so important)

b)           Biographical overview:

- Explorer’s Full Namе;

- Date of Birth;

- Country of Birth;

c)            Main Events of Exploration (describe the purpose and main events of your explorer’s main journey. Tell why he went on this main exploration. Also, describe where his trip started, where he traveled, and what he found or saw).

d)           Transportation and Crew (describe your explorer’s crew).

e)           Contribution to history (describe what changed after the explorer’s discoveries)

f)            Conclusion (say some words about why this explorer attracts you).

6.           Then select the appropriate photos and illustrations for each item on the internet.

7.           Then open the link and start making your project. Your story should be no longer than 2 or 3 minutes.

8.           As you finish you should add the URL of your digital story to our blog.

9.           Be prepared to listen and grade your classmates' digital stories according to the criteria below.


A digital story is well-designed. There are a lot of photos and illustrations in the video

0-5 points

A digital story contains all paragraphs.  (Introduction, biographical overview, main events, transportation and crew, contribution to history, conclusion)

0-5 points

Audio is easy to understand. The pronunciation is clear

0-5 points

The information is written correctly. There are no grammatical mistakes.

-0,5 баллов -1 grammar mistake.

0-5 points


20 points



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