Monday, March 1, 2021


Task 1. Watch the video and answer the questions that follow: 1. Which biomes do you live near? 2. Which biome would you like to live in? Why? Give your answers in the comments. Then get into groups of 3 or 4 and create a play about a family that moves to a new biome. In your group, discuss the biomes you have learned about.You also can research more information about biomes at the internet. Imagine, that your group is a family that will move to a new biome. Decide which biome you will move to, who will play each part, what each person will say. Write down your play and download at the link  At the Jamboard you will also find an example. Then evaluate your groupmates' works using the criteria below: max- 3 points. A play is fun - 1 point. A play is interesting - 1 point. A play is based on real facts - 1 point.

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