Sunday, March 28, 2021


 What do you know about other nationalities?

1. Choose the nationality of any country.

2. Create a wall on Padlet.

3. Describe in detail (at least 10 -12 sentences) this nationality (country, population, language, food, appearance, traditions, features). 

4. Answer the questions: Why did you choose this nationality? What were you attracted you? Would you like to be related to this nationality?  Why?

5. Upload photos and illustrations related to this nationality.

6. As you finish you should add the URL of your project in the comments to this post and rate your classmates according to the criteria below: max. 15 points.

Design - 0- 5  points 

Interesting facts - 0- 5  points

Clear  description - 0- 5  points

Good luck!

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